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Samantha Bluhm

The Quest for Power: How It Fuels Chaos

International Day of UN Peacekeepers

I've never understood the hunger for power, but every fiber of my being longs for peace. 🫶

May 29th celebrated the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers. It is a day to honor the ordinary people working in difficult and dangerous conditions to help secure sustainable peace and progress.

As I thought about the sacrifices and achievements of those who serve in UN peacekeeping operations, the juxtaposition that we wage war for the privilege of peace became strikingly clear.

Peace is not merely the absence of conflict. It often requires us to confront chaos and conflict head-on. The pursuit of peace is not passive, rather it is a proactive effort to maintain harmony.

🎯 It is a state of balance that opposes chaos.

Let’s Unpack.

True peace is full of vitality, energy, and grace, and it can be thrown off balance by the chaos of daily life.

The reality is, there is no magic cure for the chaos that is going on in the world, nor is there a panacea for the anxiety that goes along with it. But when it comes to finding peace, it begins with the awareness that chaos exists and is fueled by fear [below the awareness line].

Chaos is a relentless storm of overwhelm, stress, anxiety, and confusion that can make focus or decision-making difficult.

Thrive Model

Peace brings stability, security, connection, and the ability to thrive [above the line].

Whether internally or externally, fear and uncertainty reign in chaotic environments [below the line].

When we minimize internal chaos in pursuit of peace, it enables us to unlock our potential and achieve success.


Tips to Cultivate Internal Peace: 

1️⃣ Establish a Routine: Create a daily routine that includes time for relaxation, exercise, and adequate sleep. Consistency in your schedule can provide a sense of stability and predictability, helping to reduce feelings of chaos and overwhelm.

2️⃣ Limit Negative Influences: Minimize exposure to negative news, toxic environments, and people who drain your energy. Surround yourself with positive influences and engage in activities that uplift your spirit and bring you joy.

3️⃣ Exercise: Regular physical activity, such as walking, yoga, or sports, helps release tension and improve your mood. Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, which are natural stress relievers.

📌 [PRO TIP] Practice non-judgement. Learn to observe your thoughts and emotions without labeling them as 'good' or 'bad.' By practicing non-judgment, you create space for acceptance and inner peace.  

Transforming chaos into peace creates a foundation for individuals and organizations to thrive. 🌟


POWERFUL PERSPECTIVES - Begin with self-awareness, intentional communication, and connection to THRIVE.

I’ve taken the best from coaching practices and curated world-class training and development programs to create something that takes the guesswork out of how to manage the chaos creators and the emotional chaos they incite - with confidence and compassion.

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