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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a  Life Coach?

A certified life coach is someone qualified to challenge, motivate, encourage and support you in achieving your goals.

They will help you discover your inner values and beliefs to motivate action in moving you towards your purpose.


With a life coach you will discover your strengths and hidden abilities to fast-track your goals and ultimately live a happier life.


How does Life Coaching work?

Life coaching works because it focuses on exactly what you want to achieve and helps you get there faster.

Using the tools and techniques life coaching teaches you will help you become more outcome and focus driven in your goal achievement.


A life coach is able to keep you focused, and on track by identifying available options that you may not have considered.


How is Life Coaching Different than Therapy?

Although both coaches and counsellors offer a support system to help you gain strength and clarity to move forward.

Coaching deals with where you are now and where you want to be.

Counsellors are often interested in helping you deal with past trauma.


However, there are forms of therapy such as (CBT) cognitive behavioural therapy that doesn’t focus too much on the past.


Life coaching is action-orientated while counsellors and therapists are more coping and healing orientated.


Who could use a life coach?

The simple answer is all types of people can use a life coach at some time in their life.

However, there are some common characteristics of people who have a life coach; a deep desire for change, a need for direction and focus in achieving their dreams.


Research has shown that people who have a life coach remain more focused and gain quicker results with the support and guidance of a coach.


What happens in a coaching session?

Each of the sessions is built upon the previous coaching session ensuring a clear and definite path to the outcomes decided upon.

During each session, we’ll review the actions and achievements from the last session as well as look at general progress made.


We’ll look at your present position in relation to your goal as well as any obstacles that may need overcoming.


What are the benefits of life coaching?

Coaching is self-investment.

Having a coach is having someone who has your best interests at heart.

A life coach will guide you in a non-judgmental, supportive, and encouraging way.


Coaches help keep you focused on where you want to be, as well as motivate you in moving forward.


Having life coaching will help you uncover hidden beliefs that can sabotage your growth and success.


How much does it cost?

My clients believe that coaching is self-investment.

Coaching costs can vary depending on what is required by the client and the type of coaching offered.


The cost of having a life coach is a very small price to pay for the life-changing

experience you’ll have.


Through a complimentary coaching call, we determine if we are the best fit for each other.  If you're not yet ready, I have several ways to get the support you need when you need it the most.

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