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Number 1

Personality Profile

Your Insights Discovery® profile

 is a 20-page report all about you, generated when you complete a short online evaluator which measures your unique preferences.

It’s different from other tools you may have used, such as MBTI, DISC, or Social Styles.

Insights Discovery customizes your behavioral preferences by measuring the intensity of all your answers.

Download the sample profile to see how comprehensive and insightful the profile is.

Number 2

Team building & Application

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During these interactive workshops, we'll apply the behavioral concepts on a team level to discuss and uncover what the team could do to achieve their desired business outcomes.


Using the profile as a springboard we can work with your people, teams, and leaders to tackle the challenges that are standing between them and peak performance.

Number 3

 common language

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A common language can help us have more authentic and effective conversations. It can serve as a framework to build team connection, improve communication, and have strategic and goal-setting conversations.

During the interactive team session (virtual or in-person), we introduce the four distinct color energies which you can apply to help you understand why you behave in the way you do, and why other people behave differently. Every person has the four color energies within them, but it's the combination of these four energies that create the unqiue you. 


Let's Connect

You're all set. I look forward to connecting.

Don't leave without your free Empowered Communicator's toolkit

Download your free 6-step guide to working with chaos creators and you'll have exceptional tools for working with challenging people and situations -- starting today.

This toolkit includes:

  • Tools to guide what words to use and when

  • 6 step-by-step strategies to conquer chaos without burning bridges

  • Templates to determine what approaches work best

Tools for managing difficult people
Tools for managing difficult people
Tools for managing difficult people
Tools for managing difficult people
Tools for managing difficult people

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